
Rally Catalunya Costa Daurada Legend

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García-Giralt (Autobianchi) win convincingly in Salou


• Jordi Fanlo - Daniel Robledillo (Porsche 911 SC) winners of the Regularity Sport category • Success in the Volant RACC Clàssic, won by two of the most outstanding crews • Salou confirms itself as the great epicentre of the RACC classic car event • 100 vehicles took part in the Trobada RACC de Cotxes Clàssics on Saturday

Salou (Tarragona), 16 April 2023 - The crew made-up of Juan Pedro García - Sergi Giralt (Lancia Autobianchi A112 Abarth), with 22.7 points, has achieved the victory in the Regularity category of the 7th Rally Catalunya Històric, an event for classic vehicles on closed roads that has had the city of Salou as the main centre of the rally. In the Regularity Sport category, with a slightly higher average, the winning crew was Jordi Fanlo - Daniel Robledillo (Porsche 911 SC), with 44.4 points.

All the participants completed an identical route, with 433.54 km, including 138.81 km of regularity on closed roads, distributed over 10 stages, three of which were held on Friday and the other seven on Saturday. As is usually the case in this technically challenging event, the fight for the podium in both categories was very close, with minimal differences. In any case, the eventual winners already held the lead at the end of the first day and kept it for the rest of the rally. García-Giralt, who had already achieved two second places in previous editions, achieved one of the most important victories of their sporting career.

In second position were the winners of the previous year, Josep Maria Bardolet - Carles Jiménez (Seat 1400B). Showing a performance in continuous improvement they managed to finish behind the winners and ahead of Francesc Segú - Miquel Molist (Volkswagen Golf GTI 1.8), third after a good finish in which they managed to overtake Carles Miró - Ivan Matavacas (Porsche 911 SC) and Miquel Ángel Madrazo - Xavier Pérez (Subaru Impreza), both crews with magnificent performances, always with a chance of finishing on the podium. Miró-Matavacas are the only ones who have managed to finish the seven editions of the Rally Catalunya Històric in the top five, on two of these occasions in first place.

Among the outstanding teams was the one formed by Belén García - Carles Sasplugas (Seat Ibiza 1.5 GLX), sixth and first female driver at the finish, a high level result occupying a position that is usually usual for Tere Armadans - Anna Vives (Seat Ibiza 2.0 GTI), but some problem did not allow them to excel as they usually do.

Great battle in Regularity Sport. The case of the winners, Jordi Fanlo - Daniel Robledillo (Porsche 911 SC), is very similar to that of the crew that won in Regularity. They always dominated, but with great pressure on their backs from Ramon Dalmau - Toni Moragas (BMW 325i), winners of the category a year earlier, both showing a very high level of competitiveness.

In this edition, the Volant RACC Clàssic was held, which was open to participants competing with vehicles that between 1979 and 1993 (the first 15 editions of the trophy) were used in this promotional formula of the RACC. Interestingly, the winning crew of the Volant RACC Clàssic in the Regularity category was the overall winner of the rally, García-Giralt (Autobianchi A112), which shows how competitive these vehicles still are. In the Regularity Sport category, the winning crew was Pau Romero - Ferran Soles (Peugeot 205 Rallye). In 2023 the Volant RACC - Trofeu Mavisa reaches its 45th edition.

We must also highlight the success of the Trobada RACC de Cotxes Clàssics, which with 100 participants allowed all of them to experience the atmosphere of a rally, forming part of the group. The cars were on display from first thing on Saturday morning in a park annexed to the rally, took the start from the podium and made a 60 km route which included the first stage on Saturday, Riudecanyes.

Final Classifications 7th Rally Catalunya Històric

1 (24) Juan Pedro García – Sergi Giralt (Autobianchi A112 Abarth, pre85), 22.7 points
2 (21) Josep Maria Bardolet – Carles Jiménez (Seat 1400B, pre75), 29.3 points
3 (23) Francesc Segú – Miquel Molist (Volkswagen Golf GTI 1.8, pre85), 35.6 points
4 (20) Carles Miró – Ivan Matavacas (Porsche 911 SC, pre85), 36.5 points
5 (28) Miquel Ángel Madrazo – Xavier Pérez (Subaru Impreza, pre93), 39.4 points
6 (37) Belén García – Carles Sasplugas (Seat Ibiza 1.5 GLX, pre85), 40.5 points
7 (43) Juan Ignacio Eguiara – Jordi Parro (Seat 124 Especial 2000, pre85), 40.8 points
8 (08) Manel Cabré – Francesc Bardina (Volkswagen Käfer 1303, pre75), 48.2 points
9 (22) Esteban Munné – Olga Feliu (Seat 124 Especial 1800, pre85), 49.3 points
10 (27) Josep Mateu – Joaquim Vilatarsana (Toyota Celica 2.0 Turbo 4WD, pre93), 59.3 points
In total 27 classified crews

Regularity Sport
1 (01) Jordi Fanlo – Daniel Robledillo (Porsche 911 SC, pre85), 44.4 points
2 (03) Ramon Dalmau – Toni Moragas (BMW 325i, pre93), 45.5 points
3 (04) Pau Romero – Ferran Soles (Peugeot 205 Rallye, pre93), 67.8 points
4 (06) Manuel Álvarez – Ismael Lozano (Toyota Celica, pre93), 103.2 points
5 (02) Albert Rosa – Jan Rosa (Peugeot 205 GTI 1.9, pre93), 136 points
6 (05) Josep Costa – Marc Duran (Porsche 911 SC, pre85), 347.6 points

Volant RACC Clàssic
Regularity: (04) Juan Pedro García – Sergi Giralt (Autobianchi A112 Abarth, pre85)
Regularity Sport: (24) Pau Romero – Ferran Soles (Peugeot 205 Rallye, pre93)

Winners by classes - Regularity
Pre75-Class 1: (21) Josep Maria Bardolet – Carles Jiménez (Seat 1400B, 1957)
Pre85-Class 2: (24) Juan Pedro García – Sergi Giralt (Autobianchi A112 Abarth, 1984)
Pre85-Class 3: (20) Carles Miró – Ivan Matavacas (Porsche 911 SC, 1979)
Pre93-Class 4: (28) Miquel Ángel Madrazo – Xavier Pérez (Subaru Impreza, 1993)
Pre93-Class 5: (26) Tere Armadans – Anna Vives (Seat Ibiza 2.0 GTI, 1993)

Winners by classes - Regularity Sport
Pre85-Class 3: (01) Jordi Fanlo – Daniel Robledillo (Porsche 911 SC, 1982)
Pre93-Class 4: (04) Pau Romero – Ferran Soles (Peugeot 205 Rallye, 1989)
Pre93-Class 5: (03) Ramon Dalmau – Toni Moragas (BMW 325i, 1986)