
Rally Catalunya Històric

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Salou will be the base of the 5th Rally Catalunya Històric


The event, organised by the RACC, in collaboration with the Salou Tourism Board, will count for the first time towards the Catalan Championship

The entry period continues open until next Monday, 30 March.
The new edition of the Rally Catalunya Històric will be staged on 9 and 10 April.

Salou (Tarragonès), 25 March 2021. The 5th edition of the Rally Catalunya Històric, to be staged on 9 and 10 April, will be based in Salou. The entry period for the regularity race for classic vehicles, organised by the RACC, in collaboration with the Salou Toruism Board, will close next 30 March.

The new edition of the event, which has already 70 entered crews, will have all the safety and prevention measures for Covid-19. In this sense, the organisation has also adapted the route, which will be more compact in order to limit the number of travels to be made. Although the layout has not been published yet, it will include complete and partial stages used for the RallyRACC, scoring round towards the World Rally Championship, such as Riudecanyes, La Mussara, Querol and El Montmell.

The participating classic vehicles will have to cover a total of approx. 500 km, 150 km of which will be controlled regularity. There will be 12 regularity stages (11 different), run both during the day and at night, all of them staged on closed roads.

The documentation checks and scrutineering of the participating crews will be made on the first day of the event, Friday 9 April, at Passeig Jaume I in Salou. This will also be the place of the start of the first Leg of the race scheduled at 5.00 p.m. The first participant is expected to finish the leg at 9.30 p.m. The second leg will start on the following day, Saturday 10 April, at Passeig Jaume I, and finish at the same place after a route of eight and a half hours. The first participant is expected to complete the planned stages between 9.30 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.

Three participation modalities
As a novelty in this edition, the entry format will no longer be Premium (all included), in order to avoid large crowds of people during the meals and other social moments. Therefore, the entry fees are more affordable. The entry fee for the modalities Regularity Sport (RS) and Regularity Super Sport (RSS) amounts to 475 (RACC members) and 525 for non-Club members. The entry fee for the Legend FCA category is 575 (RACC member) or 625 for participants who are not members of the Club.

For the first time, the 5th Rally Catalunya Històric will be a scoring round towards the Catalan Historic and Classic Car Rally Championship for Drivers and Co-Drivers in the categories Regularity Super Sport and Regularity Sport, in addition to the exhibition modality Legend FCA.

RACC Prensa
Information on the event on the official website: